Assessment of the impact of automation implementation in the context of business agility in a transnational Fintech company
DOI: clave:
agilidad empresarial, Automatización , RPA (Automatización robótica de procesos) , transformación digital, Integración continua, Entrega continuaResumen
Business agility has been defined as the ability of organizations to quickly sense and respond to turbulent environmental changes, which may be caused by product delivery needs, market turmoil due to changing customer demands, or advances due to emerging technologies for digital transformation. This research aims to evaluate the impact of the implementation of automation processes in the context of organizational agility in a transnational Fintech with presence in Costa Rica. Planning and training of the highest-ranking leaders in the organization was conducted and a strategy was defined for the implementation of the agile model, work streams, tribes, squads, chapters, and guilds were established. Subsequently, opportunities for improvement and optimization were identified and priorities were defined according to the impact on savings. Of the 206 proposed improvements, 87 required automations in one of the following topics: RPA, test automation, continuous integration, scripting, or continuous delivery workflows. 23 automations were implemented, generating a total saving of 6,052 net work hours, which corresponds to 32 full-time associates. The reported improvements correspond to financial software development or implementation processes, which represent capitalizable hours of work, positively affecting the optimization of profit and efficiency of the organization. The implementation of an agile business model fostered the identification of improvement opportunities, and the optimization of deliverables and revenue was demonstrated. It is necessary to continue with the development of the model to achieve the full benefits and a stable level of maturity in the processes.
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